Origin Story

My name is Nicholas McIntosh, and I am a 28 year old Jeweler.

I started NWM Jewelry after studying and mastering this craft for the past 8 years. My jewelry journey began when I took my first jewelry/metalsmithing class at Eastern Kentucky University under the teachings of Felicia Szorad. I immediately fell in love with this art form, and quickly found myself in the metals studio more often than not. Sleeping on the studio couch instead of my own dorm room, and skipping history class to go melt brass and silver.

I took a jewelry class every semester since that first class, and graduated from EKU with a double major in Graphic Design & Jewelry/Metalsmithing. During my senior year of school I secured my first job as a jeweler at a reputable chain jewelry store. I worked there for around 1-2 years and met another valuable mentor.

This is where I learned to hold myself and my work to the standard that you see today. But I didn’t stop there, I wanted and needed more. This longing for growth led me to another major chain store, and then to a smaller mom and pop style jewelry store. All the while, meeting great mentors and soaking up as much knowledge and experience as I could.

That leads us to here and now. The launching of NWM Jewelry.

I am beyond excited to share what I have to offer to this world, thank you for being part of this journey.


  • Hand Fabrication of Metal

  • Hand Carving of Wax Models for casting

  • Precious & Semi-Precious Stone Setting

  • Custom Stone Carving & Cutting

  • ALL jewelry repairs

  • Casting

  • Enameling

  • Hand Engraving

  • Diamond/Gemstones Sourcing